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Electrodes MMA [SMAW]
Nickel alloys


EN ISO 14172-A
E Ni 6182 (NiCr15FeMn)
DIN 1736
EL NiCr15FeMn
AWS A-5.11
E NiCrFe-3
Power generation industry
Hardfacing and repairing
Metallurgy (Steelworks)
Petrochemical and chemical industry
  • Special electrode with a nickel core.
  • For welding steels used in the low temperature industries and in the nuclear industry.
  • Used in temperature conditions from -196°C to 600°C.
  • Weld deposit resistant to scaling at temperatures up to 1200°C (in a sulfur-free atmosphere).
  • Resistant to temperature shocks for austenitic steels, highly resistant to cracking and corrosion at high temperatures.
  • The most universal electrode for welding steel and cast iron elements of unknown origin, with unknown chemical composition and hardness, with unknown heat treatment, having previous hardfacing layers, that have suffered fatigue cracks (if repair is possible and there is no other option)


The most universal electrode for welding steel and cast iron elements:

  • of unknown origin
  • of unknown chemical composition and hardness
  • of unknown heat treatment
  • having previous hardfacing layers
  • that have suffered fatigue cracks (if repair is possible and there is no other option)

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spółka z o.o.

ul. Mikołajczyka 57
41-200 Sosnowiec

+48 (32) 297 75 50 - 51

+48 (32) 297 75 88

